The Differences between Fine-pitch LED, Mini LED and Micro LED

The Differences between Fine-pitch LED, Mini LED and Micro LED

LED display is now enjoying increasing popularity in many fields. They bring us with unparalleled visual experience as before. However, many people are still confused with the basics in the LED industry. For example, what are the differences among Fine-pitch LED, Mini LED, and Micro LED?

Fine-pitch LED displays

According to the public information offered by Samsung, its LED screen is about 455 inches, with 10.24 meters wide and 5.4 meters high. This section of the LED screen spacing is 2.5, then the corresponding LED package will be 1010, that is now the mainstream of small pitch package size, also is a relatively mature product in the LED industry.

Some LED Panel business do not understand this clearly, just like the most concerned part for mass transfer while mentioning about Micro LED. In fact, Micro LED is a cross-border cooperation with the three industries, which will also be more difficult, and no less urgent than the mass transfer technology.

So what is the difference between Fine-pitch LED displays and Micro LED? Sony offered a great explanation about why shift from the original CLEDIS TV to outdoor LED display. Actually, the development from LEDIS TV to outdoor LED display reflects the development from Fine-pitch LED to Micro LED.

Mini LED – The opportunity for backlight market

According to the development trend of technology industry in 2018 released by TrendForce, in the development of Micro LED, it is pointed out that Mini LED technology can be used in mobile phones, TVs, car panels and gaming laptops and many other applications due to its flexible substrate and high-profile backlighting. It is estimated that there will be samples that related to Mini LED backlight application coming out in 2018.

With local dimming design, mini LED backlight will bring more sophisticated HDR partition to LCD. In fact, the size and sophistication of LCDs on HDR partitions are the size and sophistication of backlight brightness adjustments. The HDR sophistication of mini LED is unprecedented, although it can not support pixel-by-pixel adjustments for OLED theoretical values, at least that is enough to meet the ultimate need for future HDR video signal conditioning intervals. In addition, the LCD panel that designed with Mini LED backlight has a better color rendering, but the thickness can be the same with OLED. Mini LED will not only have a great market place in the outdoor LED screen, also involving unlimited growth space in the car and gaming field.

In short, utilizing the existing LCD technology foundations, and combined with the same proven RGB LED technology to develop a new generation of backlit panel design definitely will be on a par with the AMOLED in the power, quality, thickness and cost or shaped cutting, surface display.

The Perspective for Micro LED

The research from the LEDinside in 2017 pointed out that Micro LED has great development prospects and business opportunities. It is estimated that the market size will be up to 30 billion to 40 billion US dollars if Micro LED display technology can fully replace the liquid crystal display components.

However, the development of Micro LED meets lots of difficulties at present, especially the mass transfer. In addition, the fix and light color consistency issue still exist. Enterprises can only choose the Mini LED and expect to get more time to promote Micro LED through transitional Mini LEDs.

Many people pay close attention to the development of micro LED, maybe it will need a long time, but there is no doubt that it is worth to expect. First of all, the traditional LCD and AMOLED have the problem of outdoor visibility, which can be optimized or even solved by Micro LED. And then micro LED can save energy. That is indeed a functional demand without breakthrough of the battery technology.